Informasaun hanesan dadus ne’ebe
klasifikadu ona no halo intrepretasaun atu utiliza ba prosesu foti desijaun
(Tata Sutarbi:29). Tamba ne’e relasaun ho kualidade informasaun tuir Tata
Sutarbi define katak kualidade husi informasaun ida (quality of information) depende ba buat tolu mak hanesan tuir mai
ne’e :
1. Lolo’os
(accurate) informasaun tenke livre
husi kulpa, lolo’os mos informasaun tenke iha nia interpretasaun klaru.
Informasaun tenke klaru tamba bai – bain informasaun husi nia hun ba to’o iha utilizador
bele iha posibilidade akontese no bele halo mudansa ba informasaun ne’ebe
2. Pontual
(timenline) informasaun ne’ebe to’o
ba publiku labele tarde.
3. Relevante
(relevance) informasaun ne’ebe refere
iha nia benefisiu ba nia utilizador sira.
This entry was posted on October 4, 2009 at 12:14 pm, and is filed under
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18 July 2016 at 20:47